
  1. Professional Excellence: The association's primary aim is to promote and uphold professional excellence among retail chemists and drugists. By providing opportunities for continuous learning, training, and development, we strive to enhance the knowledge and skills of our members, ensuring the delivery of high-quality pharmaceutical care to the public.

  2. Advocacy and Representation: We aim to be the united voice of retail chemists and drugists, advocating for their interests, rights, and concerns at local, national, and international levels. Through active engagement with policymakers, healthcare organizations, and regulatory bodies, we seek to shape policies that foster a conducive and supportive environment for our profession to thrive.

  3. Innovation and Advancements: Embracing innovation is key to staying relevant and providing cutting-edge pharmaceutical services. The association aims to promote the adoption of new technologies, digital solutions, and advancements in pharmaceuticals to improve patient care, streamline operations, and elevate the overall standards of our industry.

  4. Networking and Collaboration: Building a strong and supportive community is crucial to our success. We aim to foster a sense of camaraderie among our members, encouraging networking, information sharing, and collaboration. By connecting with other healthcare professionals and stakeholders, we can forge strategic partnerships that enhance our collective impact on public health.

  5. Ethical Practices: Upholding the highest ethical standards is integral to our profession's reputation and public trust. The association is committed to promoting ethical practices and providing guidance to members on adhering to ethical codes in all aspects of their professional conduct.


  • To be the leading association of retail chemists and drugists, driving the advancement of pharmaceutical care and advocating for the well-being of our members and the communities we serve. Our vision includes:

  1. Recognized Expertise: Our association envisions a future where retail chemists and drugists are recognized as essential healthcare providers, valued for their expertise in medication management, counseling, and public health promotion.

  2. Enhanced Public Health: We strive for a healthier society where the contributions of retail chemists and drugists play a significant role in disease prevention, health education, and access to safe and effective medications for all.

  3. Collaborative Ecosystem: We envision a collaborative ecosystem where our association works hand in hand with other healthcare professionals, institutions, and stakeholders, fostering an integrated and patient-centric approach to healthcare delivery.

  4. Innovation and Technology Integration: Our vision includes the seamless integration of technology and innovation into pharmaceutical practices, enabling our members to leverage digital solutions, data analytics, and telehealth to optimize patient care and operational efficiency.

  5. Empowered Members: We envision an association that empowers its members by providing resources, support, and opportunities for growth. Our members will be confident in their abilities, united in purpose, and inspired to make a positive impact on the healthcare landscape.

  6. Global Influence: As a forward-thinking association, we aspire to extend our influence beyond national borders, contributing to global discussions on pharmaceutical care, healthcare policies, and patient safety.